Security Deposit (Section 250.511b) – If the landlord accepts a deposit, the funds must be held in an institution governed by a Federal Reserve Board and the name and address of the bank must be disclosed to the tenant.
Lead-Based Paint – If the dwelling was built prior to 1978, this disclosure must be signed and attached as an addendum to the contract.
Maximum (Section 250 511a) – There is a State cap of two (2) months' rent that the landlord may request from the tenant. If the tenancy arrangement continues past one (1) year, the landlord may request one (1) month's security deposit per year.
Return (Section 250.512) – The landlord has thirty (30) days to return any and all funds to the tenant.
In Pennsylvania, there is no statute that states the landlord must give notice to the lessee prior to accessing the property.
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