Every student in the United States takes the standardized test year after year. These tests bring a ton of pressure and stress on students which easily affect their scores overall. Even though standardized testing is meant to test students and compare them all on a larger scale, the tests are too expensive, create mental health problems for students, and students aren’t even prepared for the tests this year. Therefore a new method should be introduced to fix these flaws and this can improve the health of students, reduce the billions spent on standardized testing, and students can still be evaluated properly. The man who invented the multiple-choice standardized tests in 1914 named Frederick J. Kelly later went on to say that his invention of multiple choices tests was too “crude” to be in use and should altogether be abolished. This could bring up a better point of whether or not standardized testing should be abolished when the creator of the system has something to say against it. Fredericks's claim may be outdated some may say but when looking at how the evidence backs this up now doesn’t disprove him. When students now have to face 15% more stress on standardized testing days and rely on these tests to back them up in college applications and jobs further down the road people may think otherwise. Trenton Globe, instructive vice president of K-12 strategy says, “One-way testing can be improved is by delivering data to teachers in a timely manner, so they can see where their students are at and fill in any gaps, rather than receiving results months later when the students are often on summer break and teachers are unable to help them.” This can suggest another flow within the standardized test that may suggest a change. If students do poorly on certain content within the standardized test by the time that is found out students are long gone on summer break meaning they may never learn or understand that content which may affect them later. This is even worse for students in lower grades like third or fourth who may never be able to grasp basic concepts even when there is a chance to recognize them earlier.